Green Directory

Virginia Clean Cities

We advance air quality improvement, economic opportunity, and energy security through deployment of alternative fuel vehicles and infrastructure, education programs, and other petroleum reduction activities.

Clean Cities draws stakeholders from local, state, and federal agencies; public health and transportation departments; commercial fleets; transit agencies; and other government offices; as well as auto manufacturers, car dealers, fuel and equipment suppliers, public utilities, and nonprofit associations.

Clean Cities is instrumental in cultivating an advanced transportation community in which people learn about a wide range of options and technologies. In addition, Clean Cities helps create markets for alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs), hybrids, fuel blends, fuel economy, and idle reduction. More importantly, Clean Cities provides a forum for members to leverage resources, develop joint projects, collaborate on public policy issues, and promote petroleum displacement and clean air technologies.

Clean Cities partnerships address the challenge of moving the United States away from the infrastructure and practices that contribute to the nation’s dependence on imported petroleum and toward energy independence and security. Clean Cities brings the national goals outlined in DOE’s Advanced Energy Initiative to the communities that can realize the end results.